Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 2, 2009.

You never really get used to the heat, but you stop noticing how much you've sweat during the day until you peel off your drenched undershirt at the end of the day. 

I've moved into a new apartment with a couple of Syrian guys, on the edge of town.  One of them speaks English pretty well, and every time I say something in Arabic, he translates the sentence into English to make sure I know what I've just said. 

The placement test at the University was so hard that one girl left crying.

There's a beautiful logic to the traffic here, but people still get hit.  Often.  Saw one notable collision between a watermelon vendor on a bike and a motorcycle policeman.  All survived, save one watermelon. 

Overheard:  "I'm fasting for Ramadan and you aren't; two more people and we'd have a game of poker."  Sometimes understanding the words isn't enough. 


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